Friday, June 14, 2013

Favorite New iPhone Picture App - Collect

Hello, my name is Brooke and I'm a picture whore. Haha. No, but seriously...I can't stop taking pictures!! I contribute it to not having many pictures of my dad. He passed away my senior year of high school and we really have very few pictures to reflect back with. Hence, I take probably an average of 2-3 pics a day. It's gotten to the point that when I take out my phone, Joel just automatically says "Cheese!" and flashes me a quick smile. Hahaha! Love that kid!
Obviously, being so obsessed with capturing moments, I love all the fun stuff the iPhone has to offer! It really has a pretty decent camera! Outside of the fun apps that let you edit photos, I've found a new one called "Collect" that I've really been enjoying! If you search the app store for Collect, it pulls right up and it's free! It's super user-friendly, too.  It looks like this...
 It stores a picture of your choice every day! You can actually do as many pics/day as you want but only one is displayed in your calendar. It looks like this at a glance when you open it...

click on the day and this pops up...

You can choose a pic from your album or you can take a pic. Then you can enter whatever details you want.

Once you save your pic, it's stored in your calendar! You can scroll thru the pics like a slide-show and have a snap-shot idea of what happened during the week, month, etc. AND, the app even has the option to set an alarm! I have a text message type alarm that pops up daily at 6pm that reminds me to update my calendar with a daily pic. Some might say it's furthering an annoying addiction. I say...awesome!!

Note: There's also another app called Project365 that's very similiar and fun. I've kind of been playing with it and Collect. I like Collect better but you may prefer Project365...They're both free! :)


  1. This is so funny! I wrote a blog post almost EXACTLY like this a few weeks ago! HA! Great minds think alike!

  2. How funny!! I just went and read is so similiar!! Your blog is amazing!! You could go pro, seriously!! Your family is precious and I'm so glad y'all are doing so well. Much love!
