I am in love with my two little guys!! They can definitely frustrate the heck out of me but oh my gosh I love them! They crack me up and light up Jon's& my days like nothing else can!
Age: 2 1/2... the half part is very important to him. When you ask him how old he'll be at his next birthday he'll respond "3 1/2"
Favorite Book: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and The Little Blue Truck series
Favorite Toy: A Truck, trailor and boat set that his aunt Pam bought for him at a garage sale :)
Favorite Food: Any kind of orange (cuties, reg, mandarin...), watermelon and pizza
Favorite Animal: Tiger. But he really LOVES dinosaurs!!
Favorite activity: Anything outdoors...pools, the zoo, playgrounds...ANYTHING as long as it's outside. He can run forever, too! Wears me out! haha.
Phrase: "Hey mommy (or Daddy or Joel), look! Watch this! Do this!"
Potty Training: Check! He's doing so great! Still has accidents (mainly #2) but I'm so proud of him! He wears "underoos" all day and we still do pull-ups at night"
Daycare: He does great! Very friendly and interactive. He takes after me in this area...doesn't meet a stranger and he loves to learn!
Favorite Song: Old McDonald had a Farm
Coloring: Still a blondie but his eyes have turned very brown, like mine. He's so handsome! He is a mirror image of Jon's pics at Jude's age (minus the eye color).
Other things...
Give the kid a guitar and he's in Heaven on earth! We want to get him in lessons in a year or so.
He loves trains, trucks, tractors...the construction around town doesn't bother him one bit! ;-) Fire trucks, police cars and ambulances are a hit! And airplanes and helicopters...be still his heart! A true boy!
So verbal! He'll talk anyone's ear off! I love it!!! I also love that he can tell me things that go on at school, etc now. If I have a question, he'll get me an answer! VERY helpful! Not hard to know who's biting him at daycare these days! (ugh, drives me crazy btw)
He's getting into dressing himself. I still get to pick out his clothes but he wants to do it himself!
Bedtime is usually a beating! The kid doesn't want to sleep! Naptime is brutal as well! If we start bedtime at 7:30, he'll be asleep by 8:30 if we're lucky!! It's a process... AND he wakes up grumpy :( It takes a pop tart and a good 10 mins before the smile comes out in the mornings.
Mr. Independant! "I'll do it" or "Let me" should have probably been included in his favorite phrases...
Age: 16 mos
Favorite Book: Busy Bear the Builder
Favorite Toy: Anything that Jude has ;-)
Favorite Food: Hot dog weenies cut up, bananas, mandarin oranges, grapes, watermelon, green beans...yeah, he's definitely my lil' eater (if you can't tell by pics alone)
Favorite Animal: Monkey
Favorite activity: Again, Anything outdoors...pools, the zoo, playgrounds...ANYTHING as long as it's outside.
Phrase: "woah" and "ought oh"
Daycare: Has always done great. No tears when we drop him off but it is always refreshing to see that huge smile and baby run towards us when we pick him up.
Favorite Song: 5 little monkeys & Jesus loves me
Coloring: Blondie with hazel eyes :) precious!! He is my little doll face!
Other things:
SO SWEET! If you need a cuddle, he's your boy!
Loves socks and shoes!
Has started talking!! Words - momma, daddy, doggie, animal sounds, mine, no, ought oh, milk, eat, "i wuv youuuuu" (ofcourse my favorite), sock, shoe, house... The vocab is growing!
Still in a crib and will be for(ever) a while. After our experience with Jude, we're keeping Joel in as long as we can. Haha. Goes to bed fairly easy and always wakes up happy!
Completely on table foods and sippy cups...has been a while but that update is probably not in any blog I posted.
Wants to be JUST like big brother! Monkey see, Monkey do!
I know there's tons more but these are the basics. Hope to find some more time this month for blogging! Here's some summer pics of the boys...