Thursday, April 22, 2010

Verdict is...I'm gonna live! ;-)

<-- 6:00am - morning of the surgery...ME BEYOND FREAKED OUT!!

To say that I'm terrified of the dentist is an understatement! I literally cringe at the thought of going and have all my life!! I've known that my wisdom teeth have been slowly making their sneaky debut for a while now but I felt it was still pretty under control... UNTIL I got pregnant that is and they decided to go full force and attack! They started first by breaking skin and then by causing some nasty headaches! By the time Jude was born, I had 2 fully in acting as chompers and one pushing forcefully to come thru SIDEWAYS on the bottom left crowding out my wanted teeth! EEK! I still managed to wait in pain 4 months before finally making a dreaded appt (last week) with our local dentist. I ended up needing 2 fillings, got my teeth cleaned (which felt wonderful) and was referred to an oral surgeon to have 3 wisdom teeth extracted yesterday.
Verdict - not so bad! ;-) I gotta say...with every good experience, I'm learning that dentists aren't the devil in flesh after all. HaHa. I've made it past my 24 hour mark, haven't popped a hydrocodone since 4am and...just ate a piece of pizza. :-) I'm gonna live after all! LOL. Thank you Jesus!

Pics for your entertainment:

Laid up with a wrap around ice pack = HOT!

Me and Hydrocodone was likes peas and carrots! ;-)

Bentley's love is never failing - I heart him!

Jon took Jude to daycare today so I'm solo at the house cleaning out the DVR box and am thinking...maybe a bowl of some ice cream and a cat nap to follow? :-) Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!! I'm doing great! :-) Oh and yes, I am in the same outfit still...and promise I'm about to take a shower...after my nap. HeHe. ;-)


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