One of our friends asked me the other day how far along I was...I responded and Jon somewhat froze!
Jon: 21 weeks?! Already?!
Me: Yep, over half way there babe.
Jon: Holy!
Suppose he hadn't noticed my growing belly (ok, and hormone levels)!? But really, this pregnancy has flown by! We've only had the "normal" doctor appts with baby Joel verses an average of one a week when I was pregnant with Jude...makes a HUGE difference. Plus, Jude keeps us quite busy!
Jon: Do we need to set up the other crib?!
Me: Not yet! Can we just get thru Christmas first then think about that?
Jon: Oh. yeah., totally. OK.
Me: You ok? Nerves?
Jon: Nope, I'm good. (smiles)
HaHa! I love my boys!! :) Here we grow again...ready or not! ;-)
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