I have lots to jabber about today...
A New Church Home:Jon and I have been members of a church in Keller for 4 years now. We taught in the nursery every Sunday, were married in the smaller sanctuary (now used for Children’s’ church), Have stayed active in the same small group, we have friends that we love & cherish…but we have both felt in our hearts, that something is missing. We prayed and talked to each other about our feelings for a year and kept pushing away the idea to try other churches. This past summer, we followed God’s lead. It has been a HARD process! At first we felt guilt over leaving our current church home in search of a “better fit.” We were fully aware there is no such thing as a “perfect church” and we didn’t know for sure that we would even leave our current church home permanently. BUT either way, we needed to know that we were where God wanted us. All summer we tried church after church after church, debated each week on where to tithe…it was spiritually exhausting! Some churches were…ok, some were totally not our style and/or belief…it was an experience I am very thankful to have had my spouse’s help with. I can’t imagine having to endure all the visits as a single! Thru faith and diligence, we continued on and I am truly thankful for the feeling of contentment that we have found a church that we will soon join! Jon and I continue to pray for guidance and are thankful to feel a sense of peace about our decision more and more! God is good and he DOES answer prayers! It may not be the way YOU think he SHOULD answer…but I believe, he is listening and guiding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6
Jude, Jude, Jude... Such a funny boy!! This week he is all daddy’s boy! I swear he must have had a bad dream that I was mean to him or something?? I pick him up and he reaches for daddy almost to “save him” from me. I know that he goes back and forth and ofcourse I can’t take it personally but…I miss my sweet love from him. Next week maybe? ;-)
Happy to report…we are back on the veggie train! After months of spitting out anything that belonged to the vegetable food group back out, Jude has taken a liking to green beans and corn! Hooray!! It’s a start! I was afraid the kid was striving to live off fruit and milk alone!!
INTO EVERYTHING!! I couldn’t wait for him to start walking…now I can barely keep up! ;-) Jon and I went to Kohl’s yesterday and we pretty much just followed lil’ man around the store cracking up. He’s a mover on a mission!
Talking some. His new favorite word is “Uh oh!” He drops everything just to say it! It’s adorable but I foresee possibly a future problem…haha. Sippy cup, on the floor, “ought oh!” Ball, thrown, “Ought oh!” Tooth brush w/toothpaste, thrown to the floor mat of the bathroom, “ought oh!” Oh Lordy…
He has also gotten really good at “bye bye” but doesn’t know the difference b/t hello and goodbye…it’s just always “bye bye” with a wave.
“Momma” and “Dadda” are still always welcomed and he loves to hold up one of his thousands of balls and say “Ba!”…he hasn’t quite gotten the full word down with the l’s on the end. :)
Graduation!! Jude has moved up to the next classroom at his daycare. It’s a bittersweet transition b/c I LOVED his teachers in his prior room but I’m also so excited to watch him learn and grow! They told me they kept him as long as they could but the time has definitely come!
Biggest Changes include:1. No more high chair – he now will sit at a table with toddler chairs (that are still attached to the table and have a belt) with his classmates and eat daily from the school menu…with utensils! Can’t wait to see how this goes ;-)
2. 1 nap/day vs his prior 2 naps. They turn out the lights after lunch from 12:30 and don’t turn them back on until 2:00. We knew this was coming so we prepped for it over the holiday break. I think he’s ok with it really. It’s definitely helped for a longer night of sleep! (a big YAY for mommy and daddy!)
3. Activities – He gets to do more hands on activities, like crafts! LOVE this part!! :)
4. Tuition went down!! He’s officially in the 1 yr old class which means, $15 less a week. Hey - $15 a week adds up! ;-)
I’m sure there are other changes but this is his first week so…those are the big ones I’ve noticed.
Continued prayers for Eric, Mali, Eleri and baby Curran!! Please continue to keep praying for The White and Gomez families! For Eric as he grieves the loss of his wife and takes on the new roll of a single father of 3. For Mali and Eleri that they remain constant in their love for Jesus as they learn to cope with their new life absent their loving mommy. And ofcourse for Curran as he continues to fight for his life in the NICU and that he grows to be a strong man of faith!
Here are some websites for those that want to stay up to date and informed:
Curran's care page/journal updates: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/currangomezBrie's Blog: http://brieericandmaligomez.blogspot.com/ One of several great tributes to Brie's life: http://bethanyfields.typepad.com/bethanyfields/2011/01/the-prize.html
Something must be in the water... AND I LIKE IT!! ;-) I was so happy to hear news that another close girlfriend of mine is expecting a baby soon!! There are so many of us pregnant together right now and it makes the experience just so fun!! YAY for 2011 babies!!
Baby Joel Update:Pregnancy Highlights:How far along: 24 weeks today
Size of baby: Joel is approximately the size of a rutabaga, yep...a rutabaga, aka...a large turnip!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained 16 lbs!!
Maternity Clothes: CHECK!! I am definitely feeling large and in charge ;-)
Emotions: Out of control!! I cry daily about something! Poor poor Jon, haha. I can't listen to country music w/o tears, even commercials are heart wrenching some days and please don't freak out if I tell you just how special you are to me...10 times...in a row! ;-)
Gender: It's STILL a boy! ;-) Joel Philip Howerton
Movement: I've been feeling baby a lot more lately! Ninja what?!
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good!
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness, definite nesting lately, I'm starting to waddle, a few other things I would never mention on here... ha!
Best Moment this week: Had dr appt on Tuesday and got to hear the heartbeat. Dr Flowers says Joel is a strong and healthy boy! YAY!! Praises to God for that news!!